The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Extended cut (3 Blu-ray)

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Extended cut (3 Blu-ray)

Title:The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Extended cut  (17x)
Original:The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (USA/Velká Británie/Nový Zéland, 2014)
Catalogue no.:1020224
Category:Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Collection
Availab. from:18. 11. 2015
Availability:sold out  When I get the goods?
Price:899 CZK (38,25 €)
(including VAT 21%)

Blu-ray review
  • DTS-HD Master 7.1 english  DTS HD
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 czech  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 hungarian  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 (VO) polish  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 russian  Dolby Digital
Subtitles:english, arabic, czech, chinese simplified, chinese, estonian, hebrew, croatian, korean, hungarian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, greek, thai, turkish
Length:164 min.
Cast:Martin Freeman, Stephen Hunter, Peter Hambleton, Ian McKellen, James Nesbitt, Jeffrey Thomas, John Callen, and more >
Directed:Peter Jackson

Hobit: BITVA PĚTI ARMÁD / 3BD Prodloužená verze

The Hobbit: There And Back Again Extended cut

„Hobit: Bitva pěti armád" uzavírá epické dobrodružství Bilbo Pytlíka, Thorina Pavézy a skupiny trpaslíků.

Když se jim v boji proti draku Šmakovi podařilo dobýt zpět svou vlast, nechtěně vypustili do světa smrtící sílu. Rozzuřený Šmak dští svůj spalující hněv na bezbranné muže, ženy a děti v Jezerním městě. Thorinova posedlost hromaděním znovu nabytého pokladu, kterému i přes Bilbovu snahu obětuje přátelství i čest, dožene Hobita k zoufalému a nebezpečnému rozhodnutí.

Ale ještě větší nebezpečí je čeká. Sauron, o jehož krocích nikdo kromě čaroděje Gandalfa nic netuší, tajně vyslal obrovskou armádu Skřetů, aby zaútočila na Osamělou horu. S tím, jak se stahují mračna stupňujícího se konfliktu, jsou Trpaslíci, Elfové a Lidé postaveni před volbu, zda se sjednotí či budou zničeni. Budoucnost Středozemě visí na vlásku a v epické bitvě pěti armád bojuje Bilbo o život svůj i svých přátel.




The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Unboxing

Bonuses to The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Extended cut (3 Blu-ray)

# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. Filmmakers's Commentary 00:00:00 On/Off english chinese
2. New Zeland: Home Of Middle-Earth - Part 3 00:06:07 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, korean, hungarian, polish, portuguese, russian, thai
3. Trailer #1 (Trailers) 00:01:57 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, korean, hungarian, polish, portuguese, russian, thai
4. Trailer #2 (Trailers) 00:02:33 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, korean, hungarian, polish, portuguese, russian, thai
5. Legacy Trailer (Trailers) 00:02:46 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, korean, hungarian, polish, portuguese, russian, thai
Overall: Quantity: 5, The total length of bonuses: 00:13:23
# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. Opening 00:03:46 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
2. In The Dungeons Of The Necromancer 00:30:08 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
3. Fire And Water 00:30:02 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
4. Under The Shadow Of The Mountain 00:18:03 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
5. In The Wake Of The Dragon 00:27:28 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
6. The Gathering Of The Clouds 00:30:10 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
7. Many Partings 00:30:02 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
8. The Clouds Burst 00:29:49 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
9. A Last Desperate Stand 00:30:12 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
10. Out From Gate 00:30:10 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
11. The Last Stage 00:34:05 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
12. Credits 00:04:03 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
Overall: Quantity: 12, The total length of bonuses: 04:57:58
# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. A Master Plan, Long In The Making (Beneath The Thunder Forging A Battle Of Five Armies) 00:30:18 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
2. On The Front Lines Of A Virtual Battlefield (Beneath The Thunder Forging A Battle Of Five Armies) 00:30:08 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
3. Turning the Tide (Beneath The Thunder Forging A Battle Of Five Armies) 00:29:49 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
4. Tauriel: Daughter Of The Forest (The Peoples And Denizens of Middle-Earth) 00:27:55 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
5. Thranduil: The King Of Wood And Stone (The Peoples And Denizens of Middle-Earth) 00:30:17 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
6. Dain Tronfoot: Lord Of The Iron Hills (The Peoples And Denizens of Middle-Earth) 00:30:16 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
7. Dale: The City Of Men (Realms Of The Third Age: From The City Of Dale To The Halls Of Erebor) 00:30:18 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
8. Do Guldur: The Hill OF Sorcery (Realms Of The Third Age: From The City Of Dale To The Halls Of Erebor) 00:30:14 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
9. Erebor: The Lonely Mountain (Realms Of The Third Age: From The City Of Dale To The Halls Of Erebor) 00:30:16 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
10. Farewell, Friends! 00:32:56 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
11. Butt-Numb-A-Thon 2011 Greeting (Bonus Features) 00:11:43 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
12. "Rivers Of Gold" Music Video (Bonus Features) 00:04:32 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
13. The Realm Adam Brown (Bonus Features) 00:05:25 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
14. Andrew Leslie Remembered 00:05:47 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
15. Credits 00:05:09 HD 1080p english english, czech, chinese, chinese, french, dutch, italian, castilian, korean, hungarian, german, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai
Overall: Quantity: 15, The total length of bonuses: 05:35:03

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