FAC #36 INDEPENDENCE DAY (20th Anniversary) FULLSLIP + LENTICULAR MAGNET Steelbook™ Extended cut Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil (2 Blu-ray)

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FAC #36 INDEPENDENCE DAY (20th Anniversary) FULLSLIP + LENTICULAR MAGNET Steelbook™ Extended cut Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil (2 Blu-ray)

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  • FAC #36 INDEPENDENCE DAY (20th Anniversary) FULLSLIP + LENTICULAR MAGNET Steelbook™ Extended cut Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil (2 Blu-ray)
Title:FAC #36 INDEPENDENCE DAY (20th Anniversary) FULLSLIP + LENTICULAR MAGNET Steelbook™ Extended cut Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil  (71x)
Original:Independence Day (USA, 1996)
Limit. edition:1001 pieces (numbered)
Catalogue no.:1021713
Category:Action, Adventure, Sci-fi, Collector's Edition, Thriller, STEELBOOK, LIMITED EDITION
Availab. from:18. 7. 2016
Availability:in stock  When I get the goods?
Price:5 999 CZK (255,23 €)
(including VAT 21%)
Blu-ray review
  • DTS-HD Master 5.1 english  DTS HD
  • Dolby Digital 2.0 czech  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 hungarian  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 2.0 mandarin  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital EX 5.1-EX (VO) polish  
  • DTS 5.1 russian  DTS
  • Dolby Digital 2.0 slovak  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 thai  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 2.0 turkish  Dolby Digital
Subtitles:english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, estonian, hebrew, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, cantonese, korean, lithuanian, latvian, hungarian, mandarin, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, greek, slovak, slovenian, thai, turkish
Length:144 min. (Extended Cut: 153 min.)
Cast:Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch, Mae Whitman, Vivica A. Fox, and more >
Directed:Roland Emmerich

INDEPENDENCE DAY (20th Anniversary) (2 BLU-RAY)

FAC SteelBook limited numbered edition FULLSLIP + LENTICULAR MAGNET 


On July 2nd, communications systems worldwide are sent into chaos by a strange atmospheric interference. It is soon learned by the military that a number of enormous objects are on a collision course with Earth. At first thought to be meteors, they are later revealed to be gigantic spacecraft, piloted by a mysterious alien species. After attempts to communicate with the aliens go nowhere, David Levinson, an ex-scientist turned cable technician, discovers that the aliens are going to attack major points around the globe in less than a day.

On July 3rd, the aliens all but obliterate New York, Los Angeles and Washington, as well as Paris, London, Houston and Moscow. The survivors set out in convoys towards Area 51, a strange government testing ground where it is rumored the military has a captured alien spacecraft of their own. The survivors devise a plan to fight back against the enslaving aliens, and July 4th becomes the day humanity will fight for its freedom. July 4th is their Independence Day...





Independence Day

On July 2, a giant alien mothership, over 340 miles in diameter (550 km) enters orbit around Earth and deploys several dozen saucer-shaped "destroyer" spacecraft, each 15 miles (24 km) in width. The destroyers take positions over many of Earth's major cities, including New York, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum), an MIT-graduate working for a cable company in New York City, discovers hidden satellite transmissions which he believes is a timer counting down to a coordinated attack by the aliens. With the help of his ex-wife Constance Spano (Margaret Colin), a White House staffer, David and his father Julius (Judd Hirsch) gain entrance into the Oval Office to warn President Thomas J. Whitmore (Bill Pullman) of the impending attack. The President immediately orders large-scale evacuations of the targeted U.S. cities, but the aliens attack with advanced directed energy weapons before the evacuations could be completed. The President, his young daughter, portions of his staff, Constance and the Levinsons narrowly escape aboard Air Force One as a destroyer lays waste to Washington D.C.

On July 3, the United States conducts a coordinated counterattack; the movie follows the Black Knights, a squadron of Marine Corps F/A-18 Hornets from El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, as they participate in an assault on the destroyer that has devastated the city of Los Angeles. Their weapons fail to penetrate the craft's force field, and it responds by releasing scores of smaller "attacker" ships which are similarly shielded and armed with high-energy torpedoes. One-sided dogfights ensue. Captain Steven Hiller (Will Smith) manages to evade the guns of the attacker ships and lures a single attacker to the Grand Canyon. There, as his jet is about out of fuel and the attacker is about to overtake him, he deploys the landing chute for his jet and it drapes across the alien craft, temporarily disorienting the pilot. Captain Hiller then ejects from his jet. The alien crashes into the top of the canyon wall and lands in the desert. Captain Hiller parachutes to a landing close by and angrily marches over to find and confront whatever life form is in the alien craft. The door to the alien fighter craft pops open and a very bizarre looking creature with tentacles appears. Captain Hiller delivers a right cross and knocks the creature out, saying "Welcome to Earth!!" He sits down and smokes a victory cigar.

As Hiller is using his parachute to drag the body of the alien across the desert, he is picked up by Russell Casse (Randy Quaid), a crop-duster pilot who is traveling across the desert with his kids and a group of refugees in a convoy of RVs. From there they take the captured alien to Area 51, commanded by Major Mitchell (Adam Baldwin). Area 51 also happens to be where the President and his remaining staff have landed. Area 51 conceals a top secret facility housing a repaired attacker ship and three dead alien bodies. Attempts have been underway since the late 1960s to repair the attacker ship. Upon arrival of the alien Mother Ship, the controls for the attacker have become activated.

When lead scientist Dr. Brackish Okun (Brent Spiner) removes an outer "bio-mechanical" suit from the alien, the living being inside is revealed. The creature regains consciousness and kills Dr. Okun and the examining crew, and because it has no vocal cords, it makes use of Dr. Okun's voice to communicate with President Whitmore, who is outside the glass windows of the operating room. Its first words are "Release me." President Whitmore poses a question to the alien, asking if the people of Earth & their invaders can live in peace. The creature says "No." When the President asks the creature what it wants them to do, it responds, "Die." It then uses its telepathic powers to immobilize the President and fling him to the ground. The military personnel then shoot the alien through the glass, with Major Mitchell stepping through the broken glass and delivering a final head shot.

During the instant that President Whitmore was immobilized, he was able to read the thoughts of the alien and learned of their plan: they attack planets, use up the resources, kill the life forms, then move on. President Whitmore now issues very clear orders to "nuke the bastards."

B-2 Spirit bombers are deployed, with the first destroyer targeted one that is hovering over a deserted Houston, TX. The weapon explodes, but proves ineffective at penetrating the craft's force field and destroys the city instead; as a result, the President orders the remaining bombers called back.

President Whitmore and his daughter are reunited with the First Lady, Marilyn Whitmore (Mary McDonnell) at Area 51. Mrs. Whitmore had been on a working trip to Los Angeles and got caught up in the destroyer attack there. Captain Hiller's exotic dancer girlfriend, Jasmine (Vivica A. Fox), rescues the First Lady when she comes across the wreckage of the helicopter the First Lady had been attempting to escape in. Captain Hiller later locates Jasmin, her son Dillon, and the First Lady camped out in the remains of El Toro MCAS and flew them in a helicopter to Area 51. A doctor tells the President that his wife has uncontrollable internal bleeding. When the President goes in to see her, he says, "The doctors say you're gonna be just fine." She smiles and responds softly, "Liar." She dies not long after that.

On July 4, President Whitmore's nerves are understandably frayed, so when Secretary of Defense Nimzicki (James Rebhorn) criticizes his decisions and actions, President Whitmore fires him on the spot.

David Levinson suggests a plan that involves using the newly operable attacker to gain access to the interior of the alien mothership in space in order to introduce a computer virus that will disable the protective shields around the destroyers and attackers. Once the computer virus takes effect, nuclear weapons would be used to destroy the mothership. Hiller volunteers to be pilot the attacker, with Levinson accompanying him to upload the virus.

With satellite communications knocked out, the Americans must use Morse code to coordinate an attack with the remaining forces around the world, timed to occur when the invaders' shields are set to fail. With their military pilots at a low number to pilot all available aircraft, the battle requires several volunteers, including President Whitmore and Russell, who both have previous combat flight experience.

Hiller a Levinson úspěšně dosáhli mateřské lodi a implantovali virus. Prezident Whitmore vede americké proudové stíhačky proti mimozemskému torpédoborci blížícímu se k Oblasti 51. I když mimozemšťané nyní postrádají štíty, zásoby střel stíhaček se proti kolosálnímu plavidlu a jeho velkému počtu útočných lodí rychle vyčerpají. Spodní strana mimozemského plavidla se otevře, když se jeho řízená energetická zbraň připravuje k palbě na základnu. Prezident vystřelí střelu na dělo, ale to se spojí a exploduje s ochranným poklopem. Právě když je eskadra informována, že všechny jejich rakety byly odpáleny, Russell Casse vysílačkou řekl, že má poslední raketu. Když jej spustí, jeho spouštěcí mechanismus se zasekne; rozhodne se pilotovat své letadlo do mimozemské zbraně v útoku kamikadze. Exploze způsobí řetězovou reakci, která zničí loď. Síly lidského odporu po celém světě používají stejné slabé místo ke zničení zbytku mimozemských lodí, zatímco nukleární zařízení nastražené Hillerem a Levinsonem zničí mimozemskou mateřskou loď brzy po útěku dua. Hiller a Levinson jsou zachyceni v následcích exploze mateřské lodi, ale jsou schopni se vrátit na Zemi nezraněni a nouzově přistát mimozemskou stíhačku v poušti poblíž Oblasti 51. Film končí, když všichni sledují, jak do ní vstupují trosky z mateřské lodi. atmosféra jako padající hvězdy.

Bonuses to FAC #36 INDEPENDENCE DAY (20th Anniversary) FULLSLIP + LENTICULAR MAGNET Steelbook™ Extended cut Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil (2 Blu-ray)

# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. Commentary With Director Rolland Emmerich And Producer Dean Devlin 00:00:00 On/Off english -
2. Commentary With VFX Supervisors Volker Engel And Doug Smith (Theatrical Version Only) 00:00:00 On/Off english -
3. ID4 Datastream Trivia Track 00:00:00 On/Off - english
Overall: Quantity: 3, The total length of bonuses: 00:00:00
# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. Independence Day: A Legacy Surging Forward 00:30:40 HD 1080p english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, italian, cantonese, castilian, korean, hungarian, mandarin, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
2. Original Theatrical Ending 00:04:16 SD 480i english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, italian, cantonese, castilian, korean, hungarian, mandarin, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
3. Gag Reel 00:02:05 SD 480i english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, italian, cantonese, castilian, korean, hungarian, mandarin, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
4. Creating Reality 00:29:19 SD 480i english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, cantonese, korean, hungarian, mandarin, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
5. ID4 Invasion 00:21:57 SD 480i english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, italian, cantonese, castilian, korean, hungarian, mandarin, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
6. The Making Of ID4 00:28:29 SD 480i english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, italian, cantonese, castilian, korean, hungarian, mandarin, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
7. Random Destruction [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:00:56 HD 1080p english -
8. Awacs Plane [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:00:14 HD 1080p english -
9. Welcome Wagon [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:00:12 HD 1080p english -
10. Los Angeles [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:00:36 HD 1080p english -
11. New York [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:00:24 HD 1080p english -
12. Washington, D.C. [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:01:12 HD 1080p english -
13. Lon Angeles Tunnel [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:01:19 HD 1080p english -
14. Dogfight 1 [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:01:27 HD 1080p english -
15. El Toro [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:00:17 HD 1080p english -
16. Canyon [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:00:56 HD 1080p english -
17. Dogfight 2 [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:00:42 HD 1080p english -
18. Russell The Kamikaze [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:01:21 HD 1080p english -
19. Mothership [Combat Review (Random Destruction Clips)] 00:00:18 HD 1080p english -
20. Static Report [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:01:35 SD 480i english -
21. Blue Acolytes [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:00:44 SD 480i english -
22. Sky News Russian [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:03:05 HD 1080p english -
23. Team 1 Russian [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:03:46 SD 480i english -
24. Vox News Germany [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:00:00 SD 480i english -
25. Katja Scholl, Berlin [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:02:45 SD 480i english -
26. Farsi Report [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:02:52 SD 480i english -
27. Fileds/Dunphy [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:02:54 SD 480i english -
28. Press Conference 1 [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:02:05 SD 480i english -
29. Press Conference 2 [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:01:38 SD 480i english -
30. Chinese Broadcast [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:01:40 SD 480i english -
31. Post-Conference [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:01:00 SD 480i english -
32. Engel On Fox [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:02:44 SD 480i english -
33. Hall Live [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:02:48 SD 480i english -
34. Traffic Report [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:01:30 SD 480i english -
35. Russell Casse Arrest [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:01:58 SD 480i english -
36. U.N. Report [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:02:30 SD 480i english -
37. Alien Lovers [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:01:07 SD 480i english -
38. Rooftop Parties [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:00:35 SD 480i english -
39. Fields/Engel Debate [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:03:40 SD 480i english -
40. Welcome Wagon Report 1 [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:04:35 SD 480i english -
41. Welcome Wagon Report 2 [Monitor Earth Broadcasts (News Segments)] 00:04:40 SD 480i english -
42. Welcome Wagon 00:00:00 Gallery english -
43. Destruction Storyboard Sequence (Gallery) 00:00:00 Gallery english -
44. Biplane Ending Storyboard Sequence (Gallery) 00:00:00 Gallery english -
45. Alien Beings Conceptual Artwork (Gallery) 00:00:00 Gallery english -
46. Alien Ships Conceptual Artwork (Gallery) 00:00:00 Gallery english -
47. Sets And Props Conceptual Artwork (Gallery) 00:00:00 Gallery english -
48. Production Photograps (Gallery) 00:00:00 Gallery english -
49. Teaser Trailer 1 (Teaser Trailers) 00:01:09 SD 480i english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, italian, cantonese, castilian, korean, hungarian, mandarin, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
50. Teaser Trailer 2 (Teaser Trailers) 00:01:33 SD 480i english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, italian, cantonese, castilian, korean, hungarian, mandarin, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
51. Teaser Trailer 3 (Teaser Trailers) 00:02:26 SD 480i english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, italian, cantonese, castilian, korean, hungarian, mandarin, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
52. Theatrical Trailer 00:02:30 HD 1080p english english, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, italian, cantonese, castilian, korean, hungarian, mandarin, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, swedish, thai
53. Super Bowl TV Spot (TV Spots) 00:00:32 SD 480i english -
54. Apple Computer TV Spot (TV Spots) 00:00:32 SD 480i english -
55. 15-Second TV Spot (TV Spots) 00:00:17 SD 480i english -
56. 30-Secont TV Spot 1 (TV Spots) 00:00:31 SD 480i english -
57. 30-Secont TV Spot 2 (TV Spots) 00:00:30 SD 480i english -
58. 30-Secont TV Spot 3 (TV Spots) 00:00:31 SD 480i english -
59. 30-Secont TV Spot 4 (TV Spots) 00:00:31 SD 480i english -
60. 30-Secont TV Spot 5 (TV Spots) 00:00:31 SD 480i english -
Overall: Quantity: 60, The total length of bonuses: 03:08:24

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