Jarhead (Blu-ray)

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Jarhead (Blu-ray)

Title:Jarhead  (7x)
Original:Jarhead (USA, 2005)
Catalogue no.:1008544
Category:Drama, War
Availab. from:24. 1. 2011
Availability:in stock  When I get the goods?
Price:199 CZK (8,47 €)
(including VAT 21%)
Blu-ray review
  • DTS-HD Master 5.1 english  DTS HD
  • DTS 5.1 czech  DTS
  • DTS 5.1 hungarian  DTS
  • DTS 5.1 VO polish  
  • DTS 5.1 portuguese  DTS
  • DTS 5.1 russian  DTS
  • DTS 5.1 spanish  DTS
  • DTS 5.1 thai  DTS
Subtitles:english, czech, croatian, icelandic, hungarian, polish, portuguese, romanian, slovenian, spanish, thai, turkish
Length:123 minut
Cast:Jake Gyllenhaal, Jamie Foxx, Peter Sarsgaard, Chris Cooper
Directed:Sam Mendes


Anthony "Swoff" Swofford, a Camus-reading kid from Sacramento, enlists in the Marines in the late 1980s. He malingers during boot camp, but makes it through as a sniper, paired with the usually-reliable Troy. The Gulf War breaks out, and his unit goes to Saudi Arabia for Desert Shield. After 175 days of boredom, adrenaline, heat, worry about his girlfriend finding someone else, losing it and nearly killing a mate, demotion, latrine cleaning, faulty gas masks, and desert football, Desert Storm begins. In less than five days, it's over, but not before Swoff sees burned bodies, flaming oil derricks, an oil-drenched horse, and maybe a chance at killing. Where does all the testosterone go?



The film begins with voice-over narration on a black screen, as Anthony Swofford (Jake Gyllenhaal), waxes philosophically about a soldier whose hands forever remember the grip of a rifle, whatever else they do in life. Swofford is then shown in a U.S. Marine Corps boot camp, being brutalized by a drill instructor in a scene reminiscent of Full Metal Jacket. After finishing boot, "Swoff" is dispatched to Camp Pendleton in 1989, where he is subjected to a cruel joke played on him by the senior Marines. This involves branding onto him the initials of the United States Marine Corps, USMC, with a hot iron. This is a popular tattoo amongst Marines. He faints upon sight of the iron. After regaining consciousness, he realizes to his relief that the senior Marines had switched the hot iron with another room temperature iron. He is greeted coolly by Troy (Peter Sarsgaard), who says to him, "Welcome to the Suck."

Swofford comes across the charismatic Staff Sergeant Sykes (Jamie Foxx), a Marine "lifer" who invites Swofford to his Scout Sniper (formally the Surveillance and Target Acquisition) course. After arduous training sessions that claim the life of one recruit, he becomes a sniper and is paired with Troy as his spotter. Shortly after, Kuwait is invaded by Iraq and Swofford's unit is dispatched to the Persian Gulf as a part of Operation Desert Shield. Although the Marines are very eager to see some combat action, they are forced to hydrate, wait, patrol the nearby area and orient themselves to the arid environment. When some field reporters appear, Sykes forces his unit to demonstrate their NBC suits in a game of American football, even under the 112 degree heat. While the cameras roll, the game develops into a rowdy dogpile, with some Marines playfully miming sex acts. Sykes, embarrassed by his platoon's rude manners and poor discipline, removes the cameras and crew from the area; the Marines are later punished by being forced to build and take down a massive pyramid of sandbags in a rainy night.

During the long wait, some of the Marines fear their wives and girlfriends at home will be unfaithful. A public board displays the photos of women who have ended their relationships with members of the unit. Swofford himself begins to suspect that his girlfriend is, or will soon be, unfaithful. The most public and humiliating of these befalls Dettman (Marty Papazian), who discovers an innocent looking copy of The Deer Hunter on VHS sent from his wife, which the men are all seated to watch, is actually a homemade pornographic movie tape of her having sex with their neighbor, apparently made as revenge for Dettman's own promiscuity.

During an impromptu Christmas party, Fergus (Brian Geraghty), a member of Swofford's unit, accidentally sets fire to a tent and a crate of flares. Swofford gets the blame because he was supposed to be on watch, but had Fergus sit in for him. As a consequence, Swofford is demoted from Lance Corporal (E-3) to Private (E-1) and is forced to undertake the degrading task of burning excrement. The punishments, the heat and the boredom, combined with suspicions of his girlfriend's infidelity and feelings of isolation, temporarily drive Swofford to the point of mental breakdown. He threatens and nearly shoots fellow Marine Fergus.

After the long stand in the desert, Operation Desert Storm, the coalition force's ground campaign, begins, and the Marines are dispatched to the Saudi-Kuwaiti border. Briefly before the action begins, Swofford learns from Sykes that Troy concealed his criminal record when enlisting and will be discharged after the end of hostilities. Following an accidental air attack from friendly forces, the Marines advance through the desert, facing no enemies on the ground. Casualties are taken when friendly fire from an A-10 close air support aircraft hits U.S. vehicles. The troops march through the Highway of Death, strewn with burnt vehicles and remains of charred bodies, a product of the bombing campaign. Later, the Marines encounter burning oil wells, lit by the retreating Iraqis, and they attempt to dig sleeping holes as a rain of crude oil falls from the sky. Before they can finish them Sykes orders the squad to move to where the wind prevents the oil from raining on them. While digging new sleeping holes, Swoff discovers Fowler has defiled an Iraqi corpse which drives Swoff to the point of wanting to fight him. However he merely takes the body and buries it somewhere else.

Swofford and Troy are finally given a combat mission. Their order is to shoot two Iraqi officers, supposedly located in a control tower at a battle-damaged airport. The two take up positions in a deserted building, but moments after Swofford pinpoints one of the officers in his sights, another team of Marines appears and calls in an air strike. Troy, desperate to make a kill, pleads with the officer in charge (Dennis Haysbert) to let them take the shot. When his pleas are denied, Troy breaks down in a fit of despair and weeps. Moments later the airport is bombed by U.S. warplanes. Swofford and Troy linger at the site in a daze, losing track of time and missing their pick-up. With night falling, they try to navigate the desert but get lost. Distant cries in the darkness frighten them, and as they begin to sense that the sounds are coming from beyond a ridge, they ready their weapons and prepare to descend. They see an encampment in the distance, but on closer look they recognize it as their base camp, and the sounds as Marine voices. The war is over, they learn, and scores of Marines celebrate this amidst a bonfire. In a climactic scene Swofford tells Troy he never fired his rifle, getting a response of "You can do it now". He then fires a round in the air from his sniper rifle and the other Marines, who also never had a chance to fire their weapons, follow suit, emptying magazines into the night sky.

On returning home the troops parade through the towns in a jovial celebration of victory. The mood is disturbed when a disheveled Vietnam veteran, possibly suffering from the memories of the conflict, jumps into their bus, and congratulates them all. Soon after their return home, Swofford and his comrades are discharged and go on with their separate lives. Swofford returns home to his girlfriend, but discovers her with a new boyfriend. Fowler (Evan Jones) is seen to be spending time with a girl at a bar, Kruger (Lucas Black) is seen in a corporate boardroom, Escobar (Laz Alonso) as a supermarket employee, Cortez (Jacob Vargas) as a father of three kids, and Sykes continuing his service as a Master Sergeant in Operation Iraqi Freedom. An unspecified amount of time later, Swofford learns of Troy's death during a surprise visit from Fergus. He attends the funeral, meets some of his old friends, and afterwards he reminisces about the effects of the war.

Bonuses to Jarhead (Blu-ray)

# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. With Commentary by Director Sam Mendes and Editor Walter Murch (Swoff's Fantasies) 00:00:00 On/Off english english
2. D.I. In a Dress (Swoff's Fantasies) 00:00:53 HD 720p english english
3. Fantasy Interview (Swoff's Fantasies) 00:00:56 HD 720p english english
4. Exploding Major (Swoff's Fantasies) 00:02:02 HD 720p english english
5. Swoff's Kill (Swoff's Fantasies) 00:02:20 HD 720p english english
6. With Commentary by Director Sam Mendes and Editor Walter Murch (Deleted Scenes) 00:00:00 On/Off english english
7. Uncle Walt (Deleted Scenes) 00:04:13 HD 720p english english
8. Sick Bay (Deleted Scenes) 00:01:24 HD 720p english english
9. Mess Hall (Deleted Scenes) 00:00:34 HD 720p english english
10. Dime Shot (Deleted Scenes) 00:00:43 HD 720p english english
11. Politics (Deleted Scenes) 00:01:12 HD 720p english english
12. Poetry (Deleted Scenes) 00:00:53 HD 720p english english
13. Arrival at the Rear (Deleted Scenes) 00:00:56 HD 720p english english
14. Troy and Swoff Run (Deleted Scenes) 00:02:15 HD 720p english english
15. The Build-Up to War (Deleted Scenes) 00:03:18 HD 720p english english
16. Tray'ss Past (Deleted Scenes) 00:01:51 HD 720p english english
17. Cortez's Mask (Deleted Scenes) 00:01:53 HD 720p english english
18. Feature Commentary with Director Sam Mendes (Commentaries) 00:00:00 On/Off english english
19. Feature Commentary with Screenwriter William Broyles Jr. & Author Anthony Swofford (Commentaries) 00:00:00 On/Off english english
20. Jarhead Diaries with Introduction by Director Sam Mendes 00:30:39 SD 480i english english
21. Background with Introduction by Director Sam Mendes 00:30:51 SD 480i english english
22. Semper Fi: Life After the Corps Includes Audio Introduction by Author Anthony Swofford 00:36:00 SD 480i english english
Overall: Quantity: 22, The total length of bonuses: 02:02:53

Dne 22.1.2011 jsem pro Vás otestoval blu-ray film MARIŇÁK.

Testováno na sestavě:

BLU-RAY přehrávač:PIONEER BDP-LX53  Více informací o PIONEER BDP-LX53

Přehrávač je postaven na základě rigidní konstrukce šasi a velké pozornosti k detailu, což se projeví prvotřídním zážitkem ze sledování Blu-ray, ovšem ani zvuková část nijak nezaostává. Integrace vysoce kvalitních součástek zajišťujících opravdu mimořádně zvukově zajímavou reprodukci. Šasi BDP-LX53 je stavěno jako „Armoured Chassis Concept“, tedy cosi ve smyslu obrněného zařízení, šasi je zpevněno vloženým plátem uvnitř skříně a dosahuje tak výrazného snížení vibrací, což se projeví ve špičkové reprodukci. Navíc byly přidány zlacené terminály.

HD zvuk - Díky přímému vestavěnému dekódování HD zvukových formátů, nabízí přehrávač nejvyšší možnou kvalitu přehrávání. Jásavé barvy a dokonale přesná reprodukce obrazu ideálně doplňují digitální audio formáty pro vysoké rozlišení DTS-HD Master Audio Essential a Dolby TrueHD, které může zmíněný model nabídnout jako přímý bitstream nebo je dekódovat interně a přehrát jako nekomprimovaný (PQLS) které zajišťuje přenos digitálních informací zcela bez Jitteru, a to 2kanálového nekomprimovaného signálu nebo multi-kanálového LPCM a nyní také bitstream zvuk pomocí HDMI.

Přehrávač Blu-Ray disků Pioneer má vestavěný vysoce kvalitní upscaling obrazu na 1080p pro získání maximálně kvalitního obrazu z existující sbírky. Jeho schopnost zpracovat 1080p 24fps zaručuje doslova kinosálový zážitek ze sledování na kompatibilním displeji. Díky možnosti propojení pomocí HDMI nabízejí čistý, přirozený obraz. Pro další zvýšení kvality obrazu je přehrávač vybaven 36bitovým zpracováním obrazu, které dokáže reprodukovat přesnější barevnou gradaci což má za následek jemnější podání barev s lepším vykreslením odstínů a jemnějšími přechody.

AV-Reciever:PIONEER VSX - 1020K  Více informací o PIONEER VSX - 1020K

Díky nejnovější verzi HDMI 1.4 je plně kompatibilní s 3D HD signálem. Certifikováno iPod/phone ready, model VSX-1020-K nabízí plnou integraci obsluhy iPod/iPhone Touch. Model VSX-1020-K umí dekodovat veškeré prostorové formáty a to včetně HD formátů a upscalovat video na 1080p při současné podpoře x.v.Colour a DeepColour pro dosažení živých, jasných barev a jejich jemných přechodů.

Parametry recieveru:
Výstupní výkon na kanál: 140W
Výstupní impedance: 6Ohm
Počet kanálů: 7
Odstup signál/šum: 100 dB
Vstupy: 6xHDMI,4 x Composite, 2 x Component, 2 x Coaxial, 2 x Optical,1 x USB host, 1 x iPod/iPhone
Výstupy: 1xHDMI, 1xKomponent, 1xKompozit
MCACC kalibrace: ano
Dolby Digital: ano
Dolby Digital EX: ano
Dolby Pro Logic II: ano
Dolby Pro Logic IIx: ano
DTS: ano
DTS Neo: 6: ano
DTS 96/24: ano
Surround Módy: 13+1
MCACC: ano
Odstranění stojatého vlnění: ano
Nastavení fází: ano
Sound Retriever: ano
Front Stage Surround Advance: ano
X.V.Colour: ano
Deep Colour: ano
HDMI Repeater: ano
Pioneer hybridní konstrukce zes.: ano
D/A převodník: 192 kHz / 24-bit
A/D převodník: 96 kHz / 24-bit
Reproduktorové výstupy A/B: ano

Televize:PLAZMA SAMSUNG PS 50B  Více informací o PLAZMA SAMSUNG PS 50B

Úhlopříčka: 127 cm
Úhlopříčka: 50 palců
Formát obrazu: 16:9
Horizontální rozlišení: 1920 bodů
Vertikální rozlišení: 1080 bodů

Reproduktory:JAMO S606 HCS 5.1  Více informací o JAMO S606 HCS 5.1

Impedance: 6 ohm
Přední reprosoustavy S 606: třípásmové (osazené dvěma středovými reproduktory), maximální zatížitelnost 210 W, frekvenční rozsah: 45–20000 Hz
Středový reproduktor S 60 CEN: dvoupásmový (osazený dvěma středobasovými reproduktory), maximální zatížitelnost 130 W, frekvenční rozsah: 75–20000 H
Zadní surroundové reprosoustavy S 602: dvoupásmové, maximální zatížitelnost 130 W, frekvenční rozsah: 80–20000 Hz

Další informace: Kmitočtový rozsah od 30 Hz, Kmitočtový rozsah do 150 Hz, nastavení dělící frekvence (výhybky) 40–150 Hz, plynulé nastavení fáze, bassreflex, subwoofer SUB 250: aktivní(vyzařující do země) osazený 203 mm basovým reproduktorem, maximální výkon 250 W

Výsledky testů:

Formát obrazu:16:9, poměr stran: 2,35:1
Kvalita zvuku:Velice příjemně zpracovaná původní zvuková stopa DTS HD Master Audio 5.1 zdobí tento válečný film. Výbornou práci odvedly zvukaři také u českého překladu v režimu DTS 5.1. Obě dvě stopy ve snímku perfektně vyzní a divákovy naservírují dokonalý poslech.
Kontrola údajů na přebalu:Na přebalu je špatně natištěn český překlad, který je v režimu DTS 5.1, ostatní údaje a informace jsou v pořádku.
Poznámky k titulu:Zajímavě natočený snímek o válce v Perském zálivu. Film, ve kterém nejde ani tak o válku jako takovou, ale ukazuje vzájemné vztahy a poměry mezi vojáky. Jako jeden z mála filmů, který ukazuje americkou armádu trochu z jiné strany než vetšina ostatních filmů. Ukazuje jaký je život mariňáků mimo bojiště a že i tak je válka drsná a krutá. Technická výbava je také kvalitní a potěší oko nejednoho filmového fanouška.
Hodnocení zvuku: 4.0
Hodnocení obrazu: 3.8
Celkové hodnocení: 3.9

Fotogalerie z filmu Jarhead (Blu-ray)


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