The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)

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The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)

Title:The Girl Next Door  (10x)
Original:The Girl Next Door (USA, 2004)
Catalogue no.:1005696
Category:Comedy, Romance
Availab. from:21. 6. 2010
Availability:sold out  When I get the goods?
Price:299 CZK (12,72 €)
(including VAT 21%)

Blu-ray review
  • DTS-HD Master 5.1 english  DTS HD
  • Dolby Digital 2.0 czech  Dolby Digital
  • DTS 5.1 french  DTS
  • DTS 5.1 italian  DTS
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 hungarian  Dolby Digital
  • DTS 5.1 german  DTS
  • Dolby Digital 2.0 (VO) polish  Dolby Digital
  • DTS 5.1 spanish  DTS
  • Dolby Digital 2.0 turkish  Dolby Digital
Subtitles:english, arabic, czech, danish, finnish, french, hebrew, dutch, icelandic, italian, hungarian, german, norwegian, polish, portuguese, greek, spanish, swedish, turkish
Length:110 min.
Cast:Emile Hirsch, Elisha Cuthbert, Timothy Olyphant, James Remar, Chris Marquette, Paul Dano, Timothy Bottoms, and more >
Directed:Luke Greenfield

The Girl Next Door

18-year-old Matthew Kidman is a straight 'A' over-achiever who feels that he has never really lived life to the full. That is, until he meets 'the girl next door'. Danielle moves in next door, and Matthew thinks he's found the girl of his dreams. All is going well, until Matthew's sex-mad friend Eli reveals that Danielle is actually a ex-porn star. Matthew doesn't know how to take the news or how to treat Danielle, and things go from bad to worse when Danielle's former producer Kelly appears to take her back.

The Girl Next Door

Ambitious Westport High School senior, Matthew Kidman dreams of a career in politics. He has been accepted to prestigious Georgetown University, but will only be able to afford it if he can win a large scholarship. With graduation approaching, he struggles to find anything truly memorable about his high school experience. However, his luck changes when he meets his beautiful next door neighbour Danielle. The outlandish Danielle and the steady Matthew each turn out to be the perfect complement for the other, and they are immediately smitten with one another. However, the relationship is challenged when Matthew discovers through his porn-enthusiast friend Eli that Danielle was recently an adult film actress under the stage name "Athena".

Following Eli's advice on how to deal with this incredible revelation, Matthew takes Danielle to a sleazy motel. Danielle guesses that Matthew has discovered her past and punishes him by performing a striptease and offering herself to him sexually. When Matthew becomes distressed and asks why she is degrading herself for him, Danielle calls him out on his base intentions and abruptly ends the relationship. Matthew goes to Danielle's house the following day and attempts to reconcile with her, but learns that she is returning to the porn industry, and is leaving for Las Vegas with her ex-boyfriend, porn producer Kelly.

Matthew, riddled with guilt and remorse, follows Danielle to Las Vegas to find her performing at an adult film convention, where Kelly menacingly warns Matthew not to interfere with his business. When Matthew convinces Danielle not to rejoin the industry, Kelly abducts Matthew from school and physically assaults him, saying that Danielle's failure to arrive on set has cost him $30,000. Kelly offers to let him erase his debt by breaking into rival producer Hugo Posh's home to steal an award statuette, but after Matthew has entered the house Kelly calls in a robbery report and leaves the premises. Matthew narrowly avoids the police and rushes to his scholarship award dinner. High on ecstasy that Kelly told him was aspirin, he improvises a deeply sentimental speech but loses out on the scholarship to a student who resembles nothing so much as the passionless, pre-Danielle version of Matthew.

Kelly then gets his money back by stealing $25,000 Matthew raised to bring Samnang, a brilliant Cambodian student, to study in the United States. Not wanting to explain his connections to the adult film industry, Matthew had previously introduced Kelly to the bank staff as his student advisor. Although Matthew has done nothing wrong, he still fears that he will face expulsion or criminal charges for his unwitting role in the fraud, and he turns to Danielle for help. Danielle calls in a few friends from her days as a porn star, and they agree to make a video for Hugo Posh on prom night and on school grounds. After the successful shoot, and after Eli has been dropped off with the tape's master copy, Danielle and Matthew make love for the first time in their limousine.Matthew Kidman, played by Emile Hirsch.

The next morning Matthew is shocked to find Kelly, in possession of the tape he has stolen from Eli's home, with his parents and school principal at the dining room table. Kelly asks to speak privately with Matthew and says that unless he is given half of all profits, he will play the tape immediately. Matthew, following Danielle's earlier advice to just go with it, refuses because the money rightfully belongs to Samnang. Kelly repeats his threat, but Matthew stands up for himself and dares him, stating that he no longer cares about his now-ruined future. As the tape begins to play, it becomes clear that Matthew and his friends have made a progressive, comprehensive sex education tape rather than a pornographic film. With no more cards left to play, Kelly finally admits defeat.

Hugo Posh and Matthew make millions from the video. Hugo Posh keeps his word and pays for Samnang to come to the USA, while Matthew has enough money to attend Georgetown and take Danielle to DC with him. The final scene is Matthew driving into Georgetown University in a BMW Z4. Matthew's story ends with him getting the girl of his dreams and a chance at the future he has always wanted.

Bonuses to The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)

# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. Commentary by Director Luke Greenfield 00:00:00 On/Off english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
2. The Whole Package (Scene Specific Commentary by Actor Emilie Hirsch) 00:02:39 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
3. Pool-Hopping (Scene Specific Commentary by Actor Emilie Hirsch) 00:01:59 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
4. Bad Advice (Scene Specific Commentary by Actor Emilie Hirsch) 00:01:32 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
5. Strip Club (Scene Specific Commentary by Actor Emilie Hirsch) 00:02:36 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
6. The Whole Package (Scene Specific Commentary by Actress Elisha Cuthbert) 00:02:39 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
7. Sherwood Diner (Scene Specific Commentary by Actress Elisha Cuthbert) 00:02:17 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
8. Pool-Hopping (Scene Specific Commentary by Actress Elisha Cuthbert) 00:02:28 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
9. Bad Advice (Scene Specific Commentary by Actress Elisha Cuthbert) 00:03:16 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
10. Room With A View (Scene Specific Commentary by Actress Elisha Cuthbert) 00:02:04 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
11. The Eli Experience 00:07:57 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
12. Making of - A Look Next Door 00:09:59 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
13. Gag Reel 00:02:47 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
14. With Optional Director's Commentary (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:00 On/Off english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
15. Financing Georgetown (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:28 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
16. Making Small Talk (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:38 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
17. The Whole Package - Extended (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:34 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
18. First Date - Extended (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:01:22 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
19. Part of a Perfect Day (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:46 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
20. This Is Why I Drive (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:17 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
21. Eli Gets Excited (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:30 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
22. Boozing and Bonding (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:32 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
23. Give Her A Throw (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:21 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
24. Off The "Beaten" Path (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:17 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
25. Regrets (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:01:11 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
26. Village Chase (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:16 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
27. Love In The Limo - Extended (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:01:16 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
28. Adult Education (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:01:31 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
29. Eli's Q&A - Extended (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:18 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
30. Original Ending (Deleted / Extended Scenes) 00:00:30 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
31. Red Band Girl Next Door Trailer "diRRRty" 00:02:25 SD 480i english -
32. Sex Aducation 00:09:56 SD 480i english french, dutch, italian, german, spanish
Overall: Quantity: 32, The total length of bonuses: 01:05:21

Dne 31.5. 2011 jsem pro Vás otestoval blu-ray film SEXBOMBA OD VEDLE.

Testováno na sestavě:

BLU-RAY přehrávač:PIONEER BDP-LX54  Více informací o PIONEER BDP-LX54

PIONEER BDP-LX54 kombinuje schopnost 3D zobrazení s vyspělými síťovými funkcemi, mimořádným audio výkonem a ovládáním pomocí iPod/iPhone.

Připojte jej do kompatibilního 3D receiveru a obazovky a užívejte si mimořádného 3D zážitku díky schopnopsti zobrazení 24snímků za vteřinu při plném 1080p rozlišení.

Užívat si samozřejmě můžete také svá DVD, BDP-LX54 provede přepočet z původních 576 řádků na potřebných 1080p pro zobrazení na vaší FHD TV, zároveň můžete přehrávat CD, USB a nebo po LAN posílat filmy či hudbu v populárních kompresních formátech.

Parametry produktu:
HDMI: ano, 1.4
HD digital film direct 24: ano
DLNA certifikace: ano
DivX Video playback: ano
DVD audio dekodér: ne
SACD multidekodér: ne
Konektory: HDMI, LAN, Cnent, Csit, opt, audio 2x RCA, 2x USB
Video D/A převodník: 148.5MHz / 12-bit
DivX: ano
MP3: ano
WMA: ano
WMV: ano
AAC: ano
JPEG: ano

AV-Reciever:PIONEER VSX - 1020K  Více informací o PIONEER VSX - 1020K

Díky nejnovější verzi HDMI 1.4 je plně kompatibilní s 3D HD signálem. Certifikováno iPod/phone ready, model VSX-1020-K nabízí plnou integraci obsluhy iPod/iPhone Touch. Model VSX-1020-K umí dekodovat veškeré prostorové formáty a to včetně HD formátů a upscalovat video na 1080p při současné podpoře x.v.Colour a DeepColour pro dosažení živých, jasných barev a jejich jemných přechodů.

Parametry recieveru:
Výstupní výkon na kanál: 140W
Výstupní impedance: 6Ohm
Počet kanálů: 7
Odstup signál/šum: 100 dB
Vstupy: 6xHDMI,4 x Composite, 2 x Component, 2 x Coaxial, 2 x Optical,1 x USB host, 1 x iPod/iPhone
Výstupy: 1xHDMI, 1xKomponent, 1xKompozit
MCACC kalibrace: ano
Dolby Digital: ano
Dolby Digital EX: ano
Dolby Pro Logic II: ano
Dolby Pro Logic IIx: ano
DTS: ano
DTS Neo: 6: ano
DTS 96/24: ano
Surround Módy: 13+1
MCACC: ano
Odstranění stojatého vlnění: ano
Nastavení fází: ano
Sound Retriever: ano
Front Stage Surround Advance: ano
X.V.Colour: ano
Deep Colour: ano
HDMI Repeater: ano
Pioneer hybridní konstrukce zes.: ano
D/A převodník: 192 kHz / 24-bit
A/D převodník: 96 kHz / 24-bit
Reproduktorové výstupy A/B: ano

Televize:D Neo PDP TV Panasonic 3D TX-P50VT20E  Více informací o D Neo PDP TV Panasonic 3D TX-P50VT20E

D Neo PDP TV Panasonic 3D TX-P50VT20E s VIERA CAST a podporou Skype,dále Nahrávání na HDD, a také přehrávání DivX HD, MP3,samozřejmostí je Inteligentní zpracování obrazu 600 Hz, Super rozlišení – detailnější obraz! 12bit. Zpracování obrazu.

Typ panelu: 3D NeoPDP FULL HD Úhlopříčka obrazovky (v cm): 127
Rozlišení (š x v): 1920x1080 bodů
Integrovaný analogový tuner: ano
DVB-T tuner MPEG-2: ano
DVB-T tuner MPEG-4: ano
DVB-S (satelitní) : ano
VIERA CAST: ano + podpora Skype
Dynamický kontrastní poměr: >5.000.000 : 1
HDD rec: možnost nahrávání TV vysílání Slot na paměťové karty / typ: ano (AVCHD/SD VIDEO/DivXHD/JPEG/MP3/AAC playback)
USB: 2 (strany); Paměť/Klávesnice/WiFi/USB HDD nahrávání/HUB
WIFI: WIFI ready

Reproduktory:JAMO S606 HCS 5.1  Více informací o JAMO S606 HCS 5.1

Impedance: 6 ohm
Přední reprosoustavy S 606: třípásmové (osazené dvěma středovými reproduktory), maximální zatížitelnost 210 W, frekvenční rozsah: 45–20000 Hz
Středový reproduktor S 60 CEN: dvoupásmový (osazený dvěma středobasovými reproduktory), maximální zatížitelnost 130 W, frekvenční rozsah: 75–20000 H
Zadní surroundové reprosoustavy S 602: dvoupásmové, maximální zatížitelnost 130 W, frekvenční rozsah: 80–20000 Hz

Další informace: Kmitočtový rozsah od 30 Hz, Kmitočtový rozsah do 150 Hz, nastavení dělící frekvence (výhybky) 40–150 Hz, plynulé nastavení fáze, bassreflex, subwoofer SUB 250: aktivní(vyzařující do země) osazený 203 mm basovým reproduktorem, maximální výkon 250 W

Výsledky testů:

Formát obrazu:16:9, poměr stran: 1,85:1
Kvalita zvuku:Zvukové zpracování komedie Sexbomba od vedle je v kódování DTS HD Master Audio 5.1 a s českým dabingem bohužel pouze ve stereu Dolby Digital 2.1. Dále titul má otestován polský nesynchronní dabing Dolby Digital 2.0(VO). Zkontrolovány a v pořádku jsou také anglické, české a polské titulky. Doplňující bonusové části nemají českou podporu ani ve formě titulků.
Kontrola údajů na přebalu:Na přebalu chybí pouze dolňující údaj VO)u polského zvuku, že jde o nesynchronní dabing. Ostatní informace jsou v pořádku.
Poznámky k titulu:Americkou komedii natočil v roce 2004 Luke Greenfield a do hlavní rolí obsadil hereckou dvojici Emile Hirsche a Elishu Cuthbert. Film vypráví příběh o maturantovi, který si vede obyčejný život, do té doby, než se vedle do jeho sousedství nastěhuje dívka jeho snů. Po zjištění, že jeho vysněná dívka, do které se zamiloval, je ve skutečnosti pornohvězda, kterou navíc uhání její producent. Bude muset prokázat mnohem větší úsilí, než očekával. Technická výbava je u obou částí jak u zvuku, tak u obrazu spíše na průměru.
Hodnocení zvuku: 3.5
Hodnocení obrazu: 3.4
Celkové hodnocení: 3.45

Fotogalerie z filmu The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)

The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)
The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)
The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)The Girl Next Door (Blu-ray)


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