Licence to Kill (Blu-ray)

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Licence to Kill (Blu-ray)

Title:Licence to Kill  (6x)
Original:Licence to Kill (USA, 1989)
Catalogue no.:1004824
Category:Action, Drama, Thriller
Availab. from:20. 2. 2013
Availability:in stock  When I get the goods?
Price:199 CZK (8,47 €)
(including VAT 21%)
Blu-ray review
  • DTS-HD Master 5.1 english  DTS HD
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 czech  Dolby Digital
  • DTS 5.1 french  DTS
  • DTS 5.1 german  DTS
Subtitles:english for the Deaf, czech, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
Length:133 min.
Cast:Timothy Dalton, Carey Lowell, Robert Davi, Talisa Soto, Frank McRae, David Hedison, Everett McGill, and more >
Directed:John Glen

Licence to Kill

James Bond is on possibly his most brutal mission yet. Bond's good friend, Felix Leiter, is left near death, by drug baron Franz Sanchez. Bond sets off on the hunt for Sanchez, but not everyone is happy. MI6 does not feel Sanchez is their problem and strips Bond of his license to kill making Bond more dangerous than ever. Bond gains the aid of one of Leiter's friends, known as Pam Bouvier and sneaks his way into the drug factories, which Sanchez owns. Will Bond be able to keep his identity secret, or will Sanchez see Bond's true intentions?

Licence to Kill

James Bond (Timothy Dalton) is on leave in Florida to serve as best man at the wedding of Felix Leiter (David Hedison) and Della Churchill (Priscilla Barnes). With Cold War tensions cooling down, Leiter is now working with the DEA, and they have spent the last several months attempting to capture elusive drug kingpin Franz Sanchez (Robert Davi). As Bond, Leiter, and Leiter's fishing buddy Sharkey (Frank McRae) drive to the wedding, DEA Agent Hawkins (Grand L. Bush) calls to inform Leiter that Sanchez has made a rare visit to Cray Key. The timing window to nab him before he returns to non-extradition territory is tight, so Leiter decides to take it. Bond accompanies him, "strictly as an observer," to ensure that he will be back on time, and alive, for the wedding, leaving Sharkey to stall the proceedings until they get back.

The reason Sanchez has ventured this far north is because his girlfriend, Lupe Lamora (Talisa Soto), is having an affair with another man. They are caught in the act by Sanchez and his three menacing henchmen, Dario (Benicio Del Toro), Perez (Alejandro Bracho), and Braun (Guy De Saint Cyr). Sanchez instructs the henchmen to cut out the boyfriend's heart, while he punishes Lupe by beating her with a stingray tail.

Bond and Leiter arrive just as Sanchez is preparing to fly out of US territory. He separates from his henchman and flies off alone via a private plane. Bond manages to capture Sanchez by attaching a hook and cord to Sanchez's plane in flight and pulling it out of the air with a Coast Guard helicopter. Afterwards, Bond and Leiter parachute down to the church in time for the ceremony.

During the reception, Bond sees Leiter meeting with a blonde woman (Carey Lowell) in a white minidress, but she leaves before Bond can speak with her. Della offers Bond a gift, a silver handled cigarette lighter with the engraving, "Love always, Della and Felix." Della tells Bond that he will need to get married next, causing Bond great discomfort. Della asks her new husband if it was something she said, and Felix tells her that Bond had been married before, but it ended tragically.

Sanchez is in a holding cell in Key West awaiting transfer to a higher security facility. Hawkins and another DEA agent, Ed Killifer (Everett McGill), tell Sanchez that he is looking at least ten life sentences; his dream team attorneys and "million dollar bribes" will not get him out of this one. Sanchez offers 2 million for anyone who helps him escape. Though Killifer seems disgusted at the offer, Sanchez believes he has taken the bait. Killifer arranges to ride shotgun in a convoy that is supposed to take Sanchez to Quantico. As they cross Key West's Seven Mile Bridge, the driver becomes visibly nervous as they pass road construction signs that indicate the bridge is under maintenance. Killifer uses this opportunity to knock the driver out, causing the van to careen off the railing and plummet into the ocean. Once the van sinks, frogmen place Sanchez and Killifer into a Shark Hunter submersible and take them to another one of Sanchez's associates, Milton Krest (Anthony Zerbe).

Unaware of Sanchez's liberation, Felix and Della return from their honeymoon, only to find Dario and Braun waiting for them. They knock Leiter out, and are implied to have their way with Della. Leiter is brought to Krest's Ocean Exoctica warehouse, where Sanchez and his henchmen are waiting for him. Killifer apologizes for betraying Leiter, but he couldn't say no to that much money. Sanchez's men open a trap door, revealing a feeding pit for a Great White shark. As Leiter is lowered into the pit, Sanchez tells him that he will not die this day, for there are some things that are worse than death.

As Bond prepares to leave for a posting in Istanbul, Turkey, he notices that the airport has been placed on alert. When he asks why, he is told that a drug lord escaped custody. Bond races back to Leiter's house, finding Della dead, and Felix badly injured, with the note "he disagreed with something that ate him" pinned to his chest. It is around this time that Hawkins calls to check up on Leiter, and Bond tells him to call an ambulance.

A doctor tells Bond and Sharkey that Leiter's left leg had to be amputated below the knee, and there is a 50/50 chance that he will also lose his left arm. Hawkins tells Bond that the DEA's hands are tied regarding Sanchez, as he has already fled to Republica de Isthmus (based on the real life Panama), which does not have an extradition treaty with the United States.

The local cops believe that Leiter's injuries are the result of a chainsaw, but Sharkey knows a shark bite when he sees one. The two of them visit aquariums in the area, eventually coming across the Ocean Exotica. Krest tells them that the facility has the capacity to house a Great White, but it was sold years ago, they now concentrate on breeding smaller fish to feed the world's hungry. After a cursory examination, Bond suspects that Krest is lying. That night, Bond and Sharkey infiltrate Ocean Exotica, splitting up to cover more ground. Killifer has been ordered to wait there until Krest's flagship, the Wavekrest, can pick him up. Bond finds packets of cocaine hidden in the maggots used to feed Krest's fish, but is discovered and has to take out two guards. The ensuing scuffle gives Killifer a chance to ambush him. Keeping his magnum trained on Bond, Killifer opens the feeding pit. Before he can shoot Bond or usher him into the tank, he is knocked off balance by Sharkey, who emerges from another trap door directly below him. Bond seizes the opportunity and knocks him into the feeding pit. Killifer grabs onto a rope above the water, and motions to the briefcase holding his bribe money; if Bond saves him, he can have half of it. Bond throws the briefcase at him, causing him to lose his grip and fall into the water, where he is torn apart by the Great White.

The next morning, Hawkins confronts Bond over his recent actions, which have violated several local laws. He summons two nearby MI6 agents, telling Bond that he is in over his head, and this is where it ends. The MI6 agents take Bond to Hemingway House, where M (Robert Brown) is waiting for him. M chastises Bond for his unprofessional attitude, insisting the Leiter knew that risks of the job, and Sanchez is outside their jurisdiction. Bond insists that the Americans will not do anything about Sanchez, but M considers this irrelevant, since they have not requested MI6's help on this matter. When Bond threatens to resign, M suspends him and immediately revokes his licence to kill. Bond flees from MI6 custody and becomes a rogue agent.

With Sharkey's help, Bond learns that the Wavekrest is out to sea to test an automated submersible prototype, Sentinel. Bond boards the ship and finds Lupe sleeping nude in the captain's quarters. She tells him that Sanchez is not on board, and she doesn't know where he is. She covers for Bond when Krest checks up on her, and suggests that Bond leave before he gets them both killed. They look out the window and see a patrol boat rendezvousing with the Wavekrest, displaying Sharkey's body like a trophy. The patrol leader, Clive, tells Krest that he found Sharkey snooping around their property and killed him. Lupe is disgusted, but Bond reminds her that she chose to be a drug lord's mistress. Bond escapes from the Wavekrest by shooting Clive and stealing his scuba gear. Krest is using Sentinel to smuggle drugs to Sanchez's distributors, who have arrived via seaplane. Still underwater, Bond sabotages Sentinel before making his escape on one of the seaplanes, stealing five million dollars in the process.

Knowing that he will need allies against Sanchez, Bond uses Leiter's computer to find a list of informants who have infiltrated Sanchez's empire. Only one of them is still alive, an ex-military pilot by the name of Pamela Bouvier. He meets Bouvier at a Bimini bar, recognizing her as the mystery woman from Leiter's wedding reception. Their conversation is interrupted when Dario arrives at the bar. Bouvier explains Dario used to be with the Contras before he was expelled for his sociopathic tendencies. She tells Bond to keep quiet and let her and her shotgun do the talking. Dario claims to want to hire her for a smuggling job, but she knows that it is a setup for her to be killed. Bond and Bouvier start a barroom brawl in order to escape, and they fight their way to a motorboat. Dario pulls out a magnum and fires at them, eventually hitting Bouvier in the back. She is saved by a Kevlar vest. Once they are a safe distance away, Bond asks Bouvier to fly him to Isthmus City. Bouvier warns that it will not be cheap. In addition to her fee of one hundred thousand dollars, Bond will have to throw around some serious money to make his presence felt in the city.

In London, Moneypenny (Caroline Bliss) tells M that she has not found any indication that Bond has left the United States. M tells her that she should know better, Bond is gong to go after Sanchez alone, without support from the Americans or any other agency, and it is a diplomatic incident waiting to happen. They have an agent in Isthmus City, and he is to receive regular updates. After M leaves, Moneypenny calls Q Branch.

Bond and Bouvier travel to Isthmus City, renting a room at the luxurious Casino de Ithsmus hotel. Bouvier decides to stay with Bond, posing as his "executive secretary." She directs Bond to deposit the five million he stole from the Wavekrest into a bank which launders money for Sanchez, then alters her appearance by getting a conservative haircut and high end clothing. Sanchez is arranging a summit with Triad Dragon Heads (bosses) that he wishes to do business with. He also has a complicated moneymaking scheme involving a phony meditation retreat, the Olympatec Meditation Institute, and an American televangelist, Professor Joe Butcher (Wayne Newton). Bond makes his presence felt by playing blackjack at the casino, bringing a quarter million to the table. Sanchez, who is watching via security cameras, tells the casino staff to let him play when he notices how much money he has. Bond easily beats the pit bosses, but Lupe puts an end to his winning streak. Bond is brought before Sanchez and meets two more of his associates, his head of security, Colonel Heller (Don Stroud), and his accountant, Truman-Lodge (Anthony Starke). Bond claims that he is there to look for work, during the conversation he studies the office for any weakness in security, noting a building across the street that appears to be closed for renovations. Sanchez's interest is piqued, but he remains guarded, warning Bond that no one saw him coming into his hotel, so nobody has to see him come out. He allows Bond to leave, but confiscates his gun, implying that it will be returned once Heller's background check is complete.

After he is returned to his hotel room, Bond tells Bouvier that the windows in Sanchez's office are high grade bulletproof plexiglass, regular weapons will be useless against it. They receive a surprise visitor in the form of Q (Desmond Llewelyn). Moneypenny informed him of Bond's situation, and he wants to help. He is currently on leave, so it is entirely unofficial. He provides Bond with plastic explosive and a sniper rifle with an optical palm readout that ensures that only Bond can fire it.

Bond sneaks to the roof of the hotel and uses a grappling line to rappel down, planting plastic explosives in the window of Sanchez's office and adjoining conference room. Inside, Sanchez tells the Triad leaders that they can become a part of his "franchise" if they pay him one hundred million dollars, he has already devised reasonable distribution deals based on the size of each gang and the territory they control. The sole holdout is a man named Kwang (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa), who wants to see Sanchez's main distribution center. Truman-Lodge protests, but Kwang reminds him that one hundred million is a serious investment, and the other Triads agree. Sanchez reluctantly acquiesces to their wishes, then directs them to a roomful of callgirls. Once the Triads leave, Sanchez tells Heller that they need to keep an eye on Kwang.

Bond heads toward the closed building and sets up a sniper's nest. He curiously sees Bouvier talking with Heller in one of the other rooms. After she leaves, Bond detonates the explosives. However, before he can fire the fatal shot into Sanchez's head, he is disarmed by a team of ninjas. Though he puts up a strong fight, they eventually overpower him. They take him to their hideout, where he meets Kwang and another MI6 agent, Fallon (Christopher Neame). As Bond is placed in restraints, Kwang reveals that he is an undercover agent for Hong Kong Narcotics, planning a major sting operation, but the assassination will likely mean that Sanchez and the Triads will go to ground. Fallon assures Kwang that Bond's actions were not authorized by his government, and he will be brought back to England to account for his actions. As Fallon prepares a sedative, Heller's troops bombard the safehouse with artillery, killing Fallon and injuring Kwang, who commits suicide with a cyanide capsule. The soldiers find Bond unconscious, but alive, and Sanchez orders him to be taken to his private island.

Bond awakens in a spacious guest bedroom, and Sanchez asks him why he was at Kwang's safehouse. Bond spins an elaborate fabrication that plays on Sanchez's existing paranoia, claiming that Kwang's team were an elite mercenary unit hired to kill Sanchez; they thought Bond would be a threat because of his old loyalties. They seemed well-enough informed to suggest a security leak in Sanchez's organization. Sanchez insists that this is impossible, but after Bond leaves, he tells Heller they may have a problem with Krest. Lupe smuggles Bond off the island during one of her "shopping trips" to the mainland. After returning to the hotel, Bond confronts Bouvier about her meeting with Heller. She reveals that Sanchez bought Stinger missiles from the Contras, which he would use in terror attacks on American targets unless the DEA stopped pursuing him. Leiter had offered Heller amnesty if he helped get the Stingers back. However, Bond's assassination attempt scared him into backing out of the deal.

That night, the Wavekrest docks, and Sanchez is there to greet it, accompanied by Lupe, Perez, and Braun. Bouvier disguises herself as the Wavecrest's new helmsman, to give Bond time to infiltrate the boat underwater, then crashes the boat in the dock. She rendezvous with Bond in the aft section, strips down to a one-piece swimsuit, then helps Bond plant the five million dollars he had stolen into the hyperbaric chamber. Sanchez questions Krest about the Sentinel incident, he has brought Lupe with him, as he has found that Krest cannot lie in front of her. Perez and Braun set out to find a safe, eventually discovering the money in the hyperbaric chamber. An angry Sanchez traps Krest in the chamber and then rapidly depressurises it, killing him. Sanchez orders Perez and Braun to clean the money (in more ways than one). Bond and Bouvier rendezvous with Q, who has disguised himself as a fisherman. Bond tells them they need to part company, as the authorities will be looking for them now. Unbeknownst to either of them, Bond has returned to Sanchez, being welcomed into his inner circle for his perceived loyalty.

The next morning, Lupe visits Bouvier and Q, revealing that Bond lied to them on the dock, he spent the night at Sanchez's estate, and slept with her. Bond thinks that he has earned Sanchez's trust, but Sanchez isn't stupid, Bond will be under intense scrutiny, and it is only a matter of time before he is discovered, she wants him extracted before that happens. Bouvier is furious, but cooler heads prevail, and she and Q devise a plan.

Sanchez takes Bond to his distribution center, built underneath the Olympatec Meditation Institute. Bond learns that Sanchez's scientists can dissolve cocaine in petrol and then sell it disguised as fuel to the Triads. The re-integration process will be available after Sanchez receives the second half of his franchising fee. Unbeknownst to Bond, Dario has joined Sanchez, bringing the Stingers and two rocket launchers with him.

Meanwhile, Bouvier has made her way to the OMI by disguising herself as a student, she steals a key from Professor Joe and sneaks into the distribution center.

During Sanchez's presentation, Dario recognizes Bond from the bar fight and tells Sanchez that Bond is their enemy. Bond headbutts Dario and starts a fire in the lab, but he is overpowered and placed on the conveyor belt that drops the brick-cocaine into a giant strawcutter. Before Sanchez can lower Bond into the strawcutter, Heller tells them that the fire is beyond their control, they need to move all their merchandise. Sanchez and most of his men leave to help Heller, while Dario hangs back to finish off Bond. Bouvier arrives and shoots Dario, allowing Bond to drop Dario into the strawcutter, killing him.

Amid the chaos, Heller attempts to load the Stingers into a helicopter. Sanchez orders they be moved to his car instead, and secretly orders Braun to kill Heller. Four articulated tanker trucks full of the cocaine/gasoline mixture are able to escape the compound before it is destroyed. Bond and Bouvier also escape, and use a plane to catch up with the convoy. Bond hijacks the first tanker, dislodging the trailer and using the cab to pursue the other vehicles. Sanchez decides to "cut overhead" by killing Truman-Lodge, then gives Perez a rocket launcher and orders him to set up an ambush. Bond avoids Perez's rocket with some precision driving, and one of the other tankers is destroyed instead. As Bond closes in on the last tanker, Perez and Braun give chase in a pickup truck. However, during the ensuing chase, they drive through a wall of flame, setting their tires ablaze. They lose control of their vehicle, eventually plummeting off a cliff, narrowly avoiding Bouvier's plane. Sanchez fires a rocket at Bouvier's plane, grazing the tail and forcing her to make an emergency landing. Sanchez draws a machete and attacks Bond aboard the final remaining tanker, which loses control and crashes. As Bond crawls away, Sanchez, covered in gasoline, and still wielding his machete, overpowers him. Sanchez tells Bond he should have accepted his offer to join him, he could have had everything. Bond then reveals the engraved cigarette lighter, and sets Sanchez afire. Burning alive, Sanchez stumbles into the wrecked tanker truck's cistern and causes it to explode. Bouvier rescues Bond, driving the cab from one of the destroyed tankers.

Later, a party is held at Sanchez's former residence. Bond receives a call from Leiter, who reveals that his doctors were able to save his arm, and he is planning on going fishing once it heals. He adds that he received a call from M, implying that all is forgiven in regards to MI6. Bond chooses to reject Lupe's advances, suggesting the country's president as a better match, and romances Bouvier instead.

Bonuses to Licence to Kill (Blu-ray)

# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. Commentary by Director John Glen and Members of the Cast (MI6 Commentary) 00:00:00 On/Off english english, french, dutch, german
2. Commentary by Michael G. Wilson and Members of the Crew (MI6 Commentary) 00:00:00 On/Off english english, french, dutch, german
3. Sharkey Arrives (Declassified: MI6 Vault/Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Director John Glen) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
4. Bond and Sharkey Follow Yeacht (Declassified: MI6 Vault/Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Director John Glen) 00:01:08 HD 1080p english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
5. Bond In Hotel Room (Declassified: MI6 Vault/Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Director John Glen) 00:01:18 HD 1080p english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
6. Cash Transaction (Declassified: MI6 Vault/Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Director John Glen) 00:00:43 HD 1080p english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
7. Bond In Isthmus (Declassified: MI6 Vault/Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Director John Glen) 00:01:22 HD 1080p english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
8. "Beinvenidos Mis Amigos" (Declassified: MI6 Vault/Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Director John Glen) 00:01:01 HD 1080p english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
9. Bond Returns To Casino (Declassified: MI6 Vault/Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Director John Glen) 00:01:07 HD 1080p english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
10. Bond Captured by Hong Kong Narcotics Agents (Declassified: MI6 Vault/Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Director John Glen) 00:01:53 HD 1080p english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
11. Boat Ride (Declassified: MI6 Vault/Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Director John Glen) 00:01:28 HD 1080p english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
12. Bond '89 (Declassified: MI6 Vault) 00:11:43 SD 480i english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
13. On Set with John Glen (Declassified: MI6 Vault) 00:09:28 SD 480i english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
14. On Location with Peter Lamont (Declassified: MI6 Vault) 00:05:23 SD 480i english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
15. Ground Check with Corky Fornoff (Declassified: MI6 Vault) 00:04:45 SD 480i english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
16. Credits (Declassified: MI6 Vault) 00:01:25 SD 480i english -
17. The Gun Barrel (Mission Control/007) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
18. Titles (Mission Control/007) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
19. "Bond. James Bond" (Mission Control/007) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
20. Pam, Meets James (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
21. La Senorita Bouvier (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
22. Art Of Negotiating (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
23. It's Ms. Kennedy (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
24. A New Attitude (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
25. Uncle, This Is My Cousin (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
26. Sweet Dreams. Mr. Bond (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
27. I'd Like To Stay (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
28. More To This Than Your Personal Vendetta (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
29. You're The Harbor Pilot? (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
30. On My Own (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
31. I Love James So Much (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
32. What Are You Doing To My Plane? (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
33. All The Way From Wichita Falls (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
34. Aptitude (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
35. Humble Sanctuary (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
36. He's Dead! (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
37. Bless Your Hearts! (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
38. Why Don't You Ask Me? (Mission Control/Women/Pam Bouvier) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
39. Give Her His Heart (Mission Control/Women/Lupe Lamora) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
40. Somebody Slipped Aboard (Mission Control/Women/Lupe Lamora) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
41. Blackjack & Martinis (Mission Control/Women/Lupe Lamora) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
42. Bond's Escape (Mission Control/Women/Lupe Lamora) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
43. James. Don't Go (Mission Control/Women/Lupe Lamora) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
44. I Love James So Much (Mission Control/Women/Lupe Lamora) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
45. Why Don't You Ask Me? (Mission Control/Women/Lupe Lamora) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
46. Licence Revoked (Mission Control/Allies/M) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
47. Who Authorized This? (Mission Control/Allies/M) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
48. Uncle Q (Mission Control/Allies/Q) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
49. Sweet Dreams. Mr. Bond (Mission Control/Allies/Q) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
50. Goodbye, Q (Mission Control/Allies/Q) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
51. Friends Of Yours? (Mission Control/Allies/Felix Leiter) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
52. Pam, Meets James (Mission Control/Allies/Felix Leiter) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
53. Introducing Killifer (Mission Control/Allies/Felix Leiter) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
54. Wedding Party (Mission Control/Allies/Felix Leiter) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
55. He Was Married Once (Mission Control/Allies/Felix Leiter) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
56. The Honeymoon Begins and Ends (Mission Control/Allies/Felix Leiter) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
57. Nothing Personal (Mission Control/Allies/Felix Leiter) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
58. He Disagreed with Something That Ate Him (Mission Control/Allies/Felix Leiter) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
59. Give Her His Heart (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
60. List of Charges (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
61. Have You Been Fairly Treated? (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
62. Sanchez's Escape (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
63. Loyalty (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
64. Nothing Personal (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
65. Problem Eliminator (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
66. Drug Dealers of the World Unite (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
67. Why Show Them The Labs? (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
68. Signature Gun (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
69. You Have Class (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
70. I Know Things (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
71. Head Explosion (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
72. Only One Guy? (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
73. Scientific Explanation (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
74. Put Him In The Conveyor (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p 3D english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
75. Dead End (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
76. Want To Know Him? (Mission Control/Villains/Franz Sanchez) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
77. Give Her His Heart (Mission Control/Villains/Dario) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
78. The Honeymoon Begins and Ends (Mission Control/Villains/Dario) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
79. La Senorita Bouvier (Mission Control/Villains/Dario) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
80. Barrelhead Bar Fight (Mission Control/Villains/Dario) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
81. Keep The Stingers Close (Mission Control/Villains/Dario) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
82. Scientific Explanation (Mission Control/Villains/Dario) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
83. Put Him In The Conveyor (Mission Control/Villains/Dario) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
84. He's Dead! (Mission Control/Villains/Dario) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
85. For All of Us (Mission Control/Villains/Professor Joe Butcher) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
86. Aptitude (Mission Control/Villains/Professor Joe Butcher) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
87. Humble Sanctuary (Mission Control/Villains/Professor Joe Butcher) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
88. Cray Cay Combat (Mission Control/Mission Combat Manual) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
89. Let's Go Fishing (Mission Control/Mission Combat Manual) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
90. Water-Ski Escape (Mission Control/Mission Combat Manual) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
91. Barellhead Bar Fight (Mission Control/Mission Combat Manual) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
92. He's Dead (Mission Control/Mission Combat Manual) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
93. Want To Know Why? (Mission Control/Mission Combat Manual) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
94. Manta Ray Cloak (Mission Control/Q Branch) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
95. Everything For A Man On Holyday (Mission Control/Q Branch) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
96. Smile, Boys! (Mission Control/Q Branch) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
97. Rappelling Cummerbund (Mission Control/Q Branch) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
98. Dentonite Toothpaste & Plastic Explosive (Mission Control/Q Branch) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
99. Signature Gun (Mission Control/Q Branch) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
100. Broom Transmitter (Mission Control/Q Branch) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english, czech, french, german english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
101. Exotic Locations (Mission Control) 00:00:00 HD 1080p english french, german
102. Inside Licence To Kill - A Documentary (Mission Dossier) 00:32:01 HD 1080i english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
103. Production Featurette - Behind The Scenes (Mission Dossier) 00:04:57 SD 480i english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
104. Kenworth Truck Stunt Film (Mission Dossier) 00:09:31 SD 480i english english, danish, finnish, french, dutch, german, norwegian, swedish
105. "Licence To Kill" Music Video Performed by Gladys Knight (Mission Dossier) 00:04:27 SD 480i english -
106. "If You Asked Me To" Music Video Performed by Patti Labelle (Mission Dossier) 00:04:02 SD 480i english -
107. How Many Times Can One Man Leave You Breathless? (Ministry of Propaganda/Theatrical Archive) 00:01:20 HD 1080p english -
108. Purely....Business (Ministry of Propaganda/Theatrical Archive) 00:01:54 HD 1080p english -
109. The Filmmakers (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
110. Portraits (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
111. Key West (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
112. Mexico City (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
113. Shots In The Night (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
114. Sanche's Office (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
115. Arabesque (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
116. Otomi (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
117. Mexicali (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
118. The "Lost" Promotional Campaing (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
119. "Licence To Kill" Around The Globe (Image Database) 00:00:00 Photos - -
Overall: Quantity: 119, The total length of bonuses: 01:40:56

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