Pain and Gain Steelbook™ Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil (Blu-ray)

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Pain and Gain Steelbook™ Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil (Blu-ray)

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  • Pain and Gain Steelbook™ Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil (Blu-ray)
Title:Pain and Gain Steelbook™ Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil  (29x)
Original:Pain and Gain (USA, 2013)
Limit. edition:450 pieces (numbered)
Catalogue no.:1018615
Category:Action, Collector's Edition, Thriller, STEELBOOK, LIMITED EDITION
Availab. from:11. 12. 2013
Availability:in stock  When I get the goods?
Price:999 CZK (42,50 €)
(including VAT 21%)
Blu-ray review
  • Dolby TrueHD 7.1 english  Dolby TrueHD
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 czech  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 hungarian  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 (VO) polish  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 thai  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 turkish  Dolby Digital
Subtitles:english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, chinese, chinese simplified, chinese traditional, hebrew, hindi, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, korean, hungarian, malay, polish, portuguese, romanian, greek, slovak, slovenian, serbian, thai, turkish
Length:129 min.
Cast:Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Ed Harris, Rebel Wilson, Tony Shalhoub, Anthony Mackie, Rob Corddry, Tony Plana, Bar Paly
Directed:MIchael Bay



Pot a krev je akční komedie k popukání od režiséra Michaela Baye. Ambiciózní parta osobních trenérů (Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson a Anthony Mackie) se rozhodne splnit si Americký sen. Rychle se dostanou do konfliktu se zákonem a celé se to strašně zvrtne. Neohrožené cíle vedou k neuvěřitelným příběhům jako je tento. Snímek Pot a krev byl natočen podle skutečných událostí a kritici ho hodnotí jako „k popukání, chytrý, a osvěžující“ .


Zvukové formáty: česky DD 5.1 / anglicky Dolby True HD 7.1 / maďarsky DD 5.1 / polsky DD 5.1 / thajsky DD 5.1 / turecky DD 5.1 
Titulky: české, anglické, bulharské, hebrejské, hindské, chorvatské, islandské, kantonské, korejské, maďarské, malajsijské, mandarínské, polské, rumunské, řecké, slovenské, slovinské, srbské, thajské, turecké

Obrazové formáty: 16:9 / 2,40:1 


• Hvězdný výkon: Pot a krev režiséra Michaela Baye
• I tak pravdivý příběh: Z novinových titulků
• Zpět ke kořenům: Vize Michaela Baye
• Americký snílek: Daniel Lugo
• Vášnivý hráč: Paul Doyle
• Špinavá práce: Adrian Doorbal
• Zločin bez oběti: Victor Kershaw
• Surové diamanty: Lokace
• Jde do tuhého: Právo a zákon


SteelBook might feature minor damages.





Bonuses to Pain and Gain Steelbook™ Limited Collector's Edition - numbered + Gift Steelbook's™ foil (Blu-ray)

# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. Still A True Story: Ripped From The Headlines (The A Game: Michael Bay's Pain & Gain) 00:11:25 HD 1080p english english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, chinese, hebrew, hindi, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, korean, hungarian, malay, polish, portuguese, romanian, greek, slovak, slovenian, serbian, thai, turkish
2. Back To Basic: Michael Bay's Vision (The A Game: Michael Bay's Pain & Gain) 00:08:30 HD 1080p english english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, chinese, hebrew, hindi, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, korean, hungarian, malay, polish, portuguese, romanian, greek, slovak, slovenian, serbian, thai, turkish
3. American Dreamer: Daniel Lugo (The A Game: Michael Bay's Pain & Gain) 00:05:25 HD 1080p english english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, chinese, hebrew, hindi, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, korean, hungarian, malay, polish, portuguese, romanian, greek, slovak, slovenian, serbian, thai, turkish
4. Passion Player: Paul Doyle (The A Game: Michael Bay's Pain & Gain) 00:05:26 HD 1080p english english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, chinese, hebrew, hindi, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, korean, hungarian, malay, polish, portuguese, romanian, greek, slovak, slovenian, serbian, thai, turkish
5. Dirty Work: Adrian Doorbal (The A Game: Michael Bay's Pain & Gain) 00:03:48 HD 1080p english english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, chinese, hebrew, hindi, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, korean, hungarian, malay, polish, portuguese, romanian, greek, slovak, slovenian, serbian, thai, turkish
6. Victimless Crime: Victor Kershaw (The A Game: Michael Bay's Pain & Gain) 00:05:43 HD 1080p english english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, chinese, hebrew, hindi, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, korean, hungarian, malay, polish, portuguese, romanian, greek, slovak, slovenian, serbian, thai, turkish
7. Diamonds In The Rough: Locations (The A Game: Michael Bay's Pain & Gain) 00:08:45 HD 1080p english english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, chinese, hebrew, hindi, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, korean, hungarian, malay, polish, portuguese, romanian, greek, slovak, slovenian, serbian, thai, turkish
8. The Real Deal: Law Enforcement (The A Game: Michael Bay's Pain & Gain) 00:08:43 HD 1080p english english, arabic, bulgarian, czech, chinese, hebrew, hindi, croatian, indonesian, icelandic, korean, hungarian, malay, polish, portuguese, romanian, greek, slovak, slovenian, serbian, thai, turkish
Overall: Quantity: 8, The total length of bonuses: 00:57:45

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