To Kill a Mockingbird (Blu-ray)

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To Kill a Mockingbird (Blu-ray)

Title:To Kill a Mockingbird  (2x)
Original:To Kill a Mockingbird (USA, 1962)
Catalogue no.:1020375
Availab. from:11. 2. 2015
Availability:sold out  When I get the goods?
Price:269 CZK (11,44 €)
(including VAT 21%)
Retail price:299 CZK (12,72 €)
Save:30 CZK (1,28 €)

Blu-ray review
  • DTS-HD Master 5.1 english  DTS HD
  • DTS 2.0 english  
  • DTS 2.0 czech  
  • DTS 2.0 hungarian  
  • DTS 2.0 VO polish  
  • DTS 2.0 portuguese  
  • DTS 2.0 russian  
  • DTS 2.0 thai  
  • DTS 2.0 turkish  
Subtitles:english, english traditional, czech, korean, hungarian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, greek, spanish, thai, turkish
Length:129 min.
Cast: Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford, John Megna, Frank Overton, Rosemary Murphy, Ruth White, and more >
Directed:Robert Mulligan

To Kill a Mockingbird

Based on Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize winning book of 1961. Atticus Finch is a lawyer in a racially divided Alabama town in the 1930s. He agrees to defend a young black man who is accused of raping a white woman. Many of the townspeople try to get Atticus to pull out of the trial, but he decides to go ahead. How will the trial turn out - and will it change any of the racial tension in the town ?


To Kill a Mockingbird

The movie is based on a novel by Harper Lee, who interestingly enough was the assistant to Truman Capote when he did the research for the book "In Cold Blood."

The story is told through the eyes of six-year-old Jean Louise "Scout" Finch (Mary Badham), a feisty young girl who lives in a small Alabama town with her older brother, Jem (Philip Alford) and their widower father, Atticus Finch (Gregory Peck).

There has been an arrest of a black man, Tom Robinson (Brock Peters), accused of raping a white woman named Mayella Ewell (Collin Wilcox). The town is up in arms and there's talk of lynching a "nigger who's obviously guilty".

At the preliminary hearing, someone needs to be appointed to defend Tom, and Atticus is selected. The town gets ready for a quick and speedy trial. As the trial gets nearer, some of the men in town decide to take matters into their own hands by removing Tom from jail and hanging him.

Sheriff Tate (Frank Overton) comes to Atticus and tells him of the impending action. Atticus takes a chair, a lamp and a book down to the jail to sit up all night to guard Tom. But the drunken mob comes anyway and they tell Atticus to get out of the way and let them get on with it.

Scott, Jem and their neighbour's nephew Dill (John Mosna) are hiding in the shadows during this interaction between Atticus and the mob. Scout comes out and says "Hey" to Mr. Cunningham, a member of the mob. Scout says, "I said hey, Mr. Cunningham" again, and it's her presence that defuses the situation.

At various times throughout the movie the children discuss the "crazy" man who lives down the block. They think "Boo" Radley (Robert Duvall) comes out at night and gets little kids and animals. But Boo is to play an interesting part in the story later.

Another interesting scene is when the Finch housekeeper, Cal (Estelle Evans) sees a dog coming down the street and it's acting very strangly. She tells someone to go fetch Mr. Finch and the Sheriff. They come and the Sheriff has a rifle. It seems the dog is rabid and someone needs to shoot it before it gets too close. The Sheriff hands the gun to Atticus and says he would prefer if Atticus took the shot. The children don't understand because they have no idea about this side of their father. The Sheriff says their dad is the best shot in the county. Sure enough, Atticus takes down the dog in one shot.

Another interesting side story in the picture involves strange happenings with a tree on the block. Jem and Scout begin to find unusual items left in a knot hole in the tree, like a medal, pocket watch, penknife and small soap carvings of Jem and Scout; they see Mr Radley fill the hole with cement one day.

The trial begins and it doesn't look good. One of the first witnesses is Bob Ewell, the victim's father. Bob testifies how he came home and saw Tom going out the side door and found Mayella all beat up.

Then Mayella gets on the stand and testifies that she saw Tom coming by and tells him to come up to the house to break up a chifforobe and she'll give him a nickel. She says that when she went inside to get the nickel, Tom came up behind her and grabbed her; when she screamed, he hit her about the right side of her head and face. Round about that time her daddy comes up to the house and Tom runs out the side door. Atticus asks her again about how Tom held her and hit her and is she sure. She says over and over that she is sure.

Atticus asks Tom to catch something in his left hand. Tom says that he can't use his left arm ever since it was crushed in an accident when he was 12 years old. Atticus points out that if Tom had been the one to strike Mayella, the bruises would be on the left side of her face, not the right.

Now Atticus calls Tom to the stand. Atticus asks Tom to tell his version. Tom says he was walking by the house and Miss Mayella asked him to come in the yard and break up the chifforobe. Tom says she was always asking him in to do little chores. After he did the chore, he says that Mayella asked him to come inside to fix a door. Tom freezes at this point, but Atticus gets him to go on. Tom begins to sweat, he describes how Mayella grabbed him, put her arms around him and kissed him. Bob Ewell turned up, saw what was happening, and hollered at Mayella as Tom took off.

Despite the obvious evidence presented by Atticus, the all-white jury in 1930's Alabama convicts Tom. Before an appeal can be arranged, Tom is transported for safekeeping; he tries to escape and is shot and killed as he runs away.

Later in the year, Scout and Jem are going to a Halloween party. Scout is wearing a ham-shaped costume, out of which she can't see very well. The children decide to take a short cut through the woods, but Jem feels they are being followed. Partway through the woods, the two children are attacked by someone; there's a scuffle and Jem is knocked over. Scout cannot run away fast enough, then a second person arrives on the scene and carries Jem away.

Scout eventually runs home, and is met by Atticus. Jem is safe in bed with a bruised eye and badly broken arm. Boo Radley is standing in the shadows behind the bedroom door.Scout says, "Hey Boo".

Bob Ewell is found dead at the scene in the woods; it was he who attacked the children and was himself stabbed by Boo protecting the children. The Sheriff decides to assume that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife. Atticus thanks Boo.

As Atticus explained early in the film, mocking birds do no harm to anyone, simply singing all day; the film's title refers to the unnecessary harming of innocent creatures.

Bonuses to To Kill a Mockingbird (Blu-ray)

# Name Length Video Audio Subtitles
1. Main Titles (Fearful Symmetry) 00:03:11 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
2. The Old South (Fearful Symmetry) 00:04:21 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
3. The Cauldron (Fearful Symmetry) 00:05:04 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
4. Casting the Children (Fearful Symmetry) 00:05:44 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
5. The Score & Title Sequence (Fearful Symmetry) 00:02:10 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
6. The First Day of Filming (Fearful Symmetry) 00:04:05 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
7. The Arft of Amusement (Fearful Symmetry) 00:01:50 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
8. Dill & Truman (Fearful Symmetry) 00:04:26 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
9. Eccentrics (Fearful Symmetry) 00:02:49 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
10. Oral Tradition (Fearful Symmetry) 00:05:20 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
11. Atticus' Household (Fearful Symmetry) 00:05:42 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
12. Jem Encounters Evil (Fearful Symmetry) 00:04:05 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
13. The Trial (Fearful Symmetry) 00:01:13 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
14. Collin Wilcox & Mayella Ewell (Fearful Symmetry) 00:04:38 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
15. Brock Peters & Tom Robinson (Fearful Symmetry) 00:03:57 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
16. Atticus' Summation (Fearful Symmetry) 00:03:36 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
17. The Verdict (Fearful Symmetry) 00:03:26 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
18. "Tom Robinson's Dead" (Fearful Symmetry) 00:02:31 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
19. The Cracker's Despair (Fearful Symmetry) 00:01:45 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
20. Boo Saves the Children (Fearful Symmetry) 00:03:48 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
21. The Novel Is a Love Song (Fearful Symmetry) 00:02:35 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
22. Maycomb Today (Fearful Symmetry) 00:04:44 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
23. Where Is Atticus Finch Today? (Fearful Symmetry) 00:05:50 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
24. End Credits (Fearful Symmetry) 00:03:10 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
25. Main Titles (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:03:21 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
26. Film Highlights (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:03:39 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
27. Taking the Stage (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:10:43 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
28. Family Life (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:03:10 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
29. Back Where I Started (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:05:15 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
30. Meeting Veronique (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:09:31 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
31. South of France (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:04:37 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
32. Childhood (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:05:29 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
33. Theatrical Roots (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:03:44 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
34. Atticus Finch (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:06:20 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
35. Presidential Honor (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:04:38 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
36. Complete Candor (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:04:34 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
37. In Character (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:10:08 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
38. Impulsive Act (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:04:31 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
39. Frightening Times (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:07:27 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
40. A Grandson Is Born (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:03:59 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
41. Worth Remembering (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:03:59 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
42. End Titles (Conversation with Gregory Peck) 00:02:26 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
43. Academy Award Best Actor Acceptance Speech 00:01:31 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
44. American Film Institute Life Achievement Award 00:10:01 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
45. Excerpt from Tribute to Gregory Peck 00:10:09 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
46. Scout Remembers 00:12:01 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
47. Feature Commentary with Director Robert Mulligan and Producer Alan Pakula 00:00:00 On/Off english english, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
48. Theatrical Trailer 00:02:52 SD 480i english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
49. 100 Years of Universal: Restoring the Classics 00:09:13 HD 1080p english english, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, greek, spanish
50. U-Control 00:00:00 On/Off english english
Overall: Quantity: 50, The total length of bonuses: 03:53:18

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